Are you willing to help with our Fall Bible Focus? We need several volunteers please let us know if you are interested! Here are some quick descriptions of what each position will do:
Each class leader will be asked to dedicate 1.5 – 2 hours to record all their videos in one setting.
- Worship/Music Leader: guide our families through song and simple dance moves of the music provided.
- Crafts Leader: guide our families through a simple DIY craft
- Snack Leader: guide our families in a tutorial on how make the snack
The other positions are to help in the recording, editing, and uploading process
- Video editor: someone that will help look through each episode and make sure there’s no errors, dead space, etc.
- Video scheduling: someone that will help upload each video to Facebook and YouTube at its proper time and date
- Assistant: someone that will help me make sure I have all the needed supplies for recording and will help in the recording process.