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The Purpose
The organized unit of United Women In Faith shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
Bethany United Methodist Women Circles
With our FAITH we link ourselves TOGETHER and touch the lives of ONE Another.
We would like to introduce you to Bethany UMC – United Women in Faith. We are called a Local Unit of the Bethany U.M. Church and are divided into 3 Circles: Esther, Ruth and Tabitha. Each Circle meets at various times during the day or evening of each month. We also have a group called “Members-at-Large” who are supportive of U.M.W. but do not meet on a regular basis.
Our Unit is part of the Crossroads District which has 76 churches in the counties of Genesee, Shiawassee, and parts of Saginaw, Tuscola, Lapeer and Oakland counties. The next larger unit is called the Detroit Conference which encompasses the eastern half of the Lower Peninsula. We are ultimately responsible to the Women’s Division of Global Ministries of the U.M. Church located in New York City.
We meet as a Unit at a General Meeting three times a year and encourage all women of our church to attend each meeting whether she has committed herself to a specific Circle or not. Each General Meeting is usually held on the second Wednesday of the month, sometimes during the daytime, sometimes in the evening. Each has a specific emphasis which we present to all the women of the church.
One meeting we present some issue or issues relating to some local,state, or national social issue. Our Membership Tea honors new members. We have a specific mission meeting emphasizing local, national, or international needs.We have one meeting to report on the Detroit Conference School of Christian Mission and toinform us of the new Mission Studies available through the U.W.i.F. for the coming year.
The Detroit Conference holds School of Mission during a week in the summer. Each conference of the U.M. church presents its new Bible Study and two other studies for the next year. There may be missionaries attending and presenting materials but it is not primarily a missionary meeting to promote foreign missions.
This gives you some idea of our structure and of the content of some of our programs. Come, join a Circle and/or some of our General meetings and get to know us better.
The funds for our Mission Outreach and Budget comes from: Our pledges, Harvest Supper, Bazaar, and other Donations.