March will be a packed month! Easter is coming! Here’s some important dates/times to be mindful of:
- March 17th – Purposeful Potluck after worship
- March 23rd @ 7pm – Merry Methodist Movie Night
- March 24th – Palm Sunday Come early to worship and wave palms!
- March 28th – Prayer Vigil begins at 12pm – Holy Communion served at 6:30pm
- March 29th – Good Friday Worship @ 6:30pm
- March 30th @ 11am – Community Easter Egg Hunt in Clio Park
- March 31st @ 9am – Easter Breakfast – Free Will Donation for General Fund
- March 31st @ 10:30am – Easter Worship – ALLELUIA!
And – those are just the special activities! Roller Skating, Men’s Night Out, Wednesday Community Nights, and Cultivating Presence continue weekly throughout the month. Come & find a place where you can be a part of what’s happening. There’s a place for all!
We have some huge things happening on Wednesdays. We have so many young people coming to our church that we do not have sufficient volunteers to handle all of them. We have Sam, Kory, Les and others who are comfortable with handling the crafts and lessons and games and such that happen during this time. What we are most in need of is additional adults to come alongside the leaders who are present to be extra eyes and ears. To help be that extra adult on hand for all of the times that one is needed. It is a tremendous blessing that our biggest problem with community night is that we don’t have enough help to keep it growing. Can you be that helper? Could you commit to an hour or 2 every Wednesday? Or if not every Wednesday. could you commit to be here for a longer time just 1 or 2 Wednesdays a month? We want our church to grow and this is a growing place in our ministry. Consider how you might be able to come alongside and be a part of this ministry effort. The more people in our church that build relationships with the families that attend on Wednesdays, the better! That will deepen bonds and relationships and invite those families into deeper relationship with the church. If you are able to volunteer on a Wednesday – please reach out to Sam Irish, our Director of Young People’s Ministry by emailing or stopping by to see him at Tuesday or Wednesday activities. You can also let any member of the Commission on Education know that you could offer some assistance (see Sue Hilgris, Les Randall, Kory Sanger).
If you aren’t sure that you are able to volunteer – what about just coming on a Wednesday at 4:30 and staying through dinner to talk with and build friendships with the people in our community who are here? We have fun activities for all ages at 4:30pm and various conversations and happenings going on in the kitchen as well. It would be wonderful to have more people from our congregation attending Wednesday activities. And, the food is pretty good, too! So, stick around for dinner!