On Sunday April 23rd we celebrate our talented team of musicians as they bless the congregation with a variety of music. We thank Rachel Deshone our Choir Director for spearheading the coordination of this Sunday’s service. We also thank Ross Doolittle, our Director of the Bethany Band and the Bethany Hand Bell Choir for his dedicated service. Ross also serves as a member of our choir and a choir accompanist on the clavinova. Dave Bower played a piece on the organ for us and it was great to have him back! Laveta Laurila beautifully played our prelude and postlude on the grand piano and also played the piano accompaniment for all of our congregational singing. Thank you, Laveta!
What a blessing to have such a talented group of musical leaders among us! In addition to those leaders, we must also thank the members of the choir, though they are small in number, we are blessed every Sunday by their presence. Maybe you’d consider joining them? They’d love to have you! Also, all of the talented musicians in our Bethany Band and the many ringers in our Bethany Hand Bell Choir. What a blessing!
Also, I would be remiss not to mention the dedicated Mavis Miller. On this Sunday Mavis played the piano with the Bethany Band and served as a bell ringer, but she is also a constant presence accompanying our congregational hymn singing twice a month for many, many years.
Marc Middleton serves as lay reader and maybe emcee! He also delivers a message for the children. Rachel Deshone shares scripture and a reflection as well. Enjoy the music! Sing along & make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
These are the words to the song we sang for the benediction which unfortunately were not included in the projection.
Go My Children with My Blessing
Go, My children, with My blessing,
Never alone.
Waking, sleeping, I am with you;
You are My own.
In My love’s baptismal river
I have made you Mine forever.
Go, My children, with My blessing—
You are My own.
Go, My children, sins forgiven,
At peace and pure.
Here you learned how much I love you,
What I can cure.
Here you heard My dear Son’s story;
Here you touched Him, saw His glory.
Go, My children, sins forgiven,
At peace and pure.
Go, My children, fed and nourished,
Closer to Me;
Grow in love and love by serving,
Joyful and free.
Here My Spirit’s power filled you;
Here His tender comfort stilled you.
Go, My children, fed and nourished,
Joyful and free.
I the Lord will bless and keep you
And give you peace;
I the Lord will smile upon you
And give you peace:
I the Lord will be your Father,
Savior, Comforter, and Brother.
Go, My children; I will keep you
And give you peace.