With the constantly changing status of the Covid-19 virus, it is difficult to make long-term plans with any certainty. The Crisis Task Force has adjusted our protocols with the hope that increasing vaccinations and continued vigilance will make it possible for us to remain safe. Here is a brief update:
Sunday Worship – We will welcome up to 100 people (we had 78 on Easter)
- We will continue to check temperatures, record names / contact info, and expect the proper wearing of masks and compliance with social distancing.
- Persons not sharing a home together are asked to sit on the single X at the ends of the pews, with a limit of 2 persons per pew – one at each end.
- Members of the same household may seat up to 3 people in the center of the pews marked with the double X. Additional household members will be asked to sit in other pews. The reason for these separations, even if you have been vaccinated, is to protect those sitting around or in front of you from being exposed to a larger density of airborne virus.
- We are not yet able to allow congregational singing. However, with the purchase of specialized masks for singing, the choir will be able to come back soon.
- We will continue to livestream the Service to Facebook for those who prefer to participate from home.
Memorial / Funeral Services – We will welcome 75 – 100 people to the Service
- All of the above protocols for Sunday Worship will be in place
- Before the Service begins: If the body of the deceased is present, people may pause at the casket before being asked to take their seats. Gathering in clusters indoors will be discouraged, though people may gather outdoors if weather permits.
- Following the Service: the ushers will dismiss the congregation from the back pews forward, as we do on Sunday. If the family chooses to do so, they may greet their guests in the narthex as they leave. If the casket is to be carried into the hearse, people will be encouraged to gather outdoors.
Sunday School classes for children & youth will begin on April 25
- Marc will post more information soon
- All protocols will be in place
Small Groups
- Small Groups may continue to meet in large, open areas.
- Please avoid the use of upholstered chairs / furniture, etc. whenever possible, as it is more difficult to sanitize.
- Coffee fellowship, funeral dinners, and other food service meals are not yet permitted
The Crisis Task Force will continue its work, covering areas such as office hours, Communion, choir and other music, the air conditioning ventilation system, and more. Please feel free to reach out to any member if you have questions or suggestions:
Rachel DeShone, Laura Gray, Nonie Lemmon, Marc Middleton, Mavis Miller, Karen Nichols, Diane Weaver, Elizabeth Whiting, and Pastor Cathi