This is the time of year when our churches join together to focus on Jesus’ life & death, and to prepare for the celebration of Easter.
Due to the concerns arising from the Coronavirus outbreak, we will be suspending our Sunday Morning Worship Services through April 5th. This includes the following dates: March 15th, March 22nd, March 29th, and April 5th.
We also are certain that the Lenten meals at Montrose on 3/15 and at Bethany UMC on 3/29 will be cancelled. We have not yet heard about the service at Mt. Morris on 3/22 but expect it will be cancelled as well.
Pastor Cathi will be live-streaming a variation of our regular service from her office those days, so we ask you to still join us for Worship at 10:30 here on Facebook.
Our office will remain open during this time, but for shortened hours. Our office will be open Monday – Friday from 9am – noon.
We appreciate your cooperation with us during this time and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us in any measure. God Bless
Upcoming Lenten events hosted by Bethany UMC
March 1st – April 12th – Walking with Jesus Challenge
Lenten Program – 3/29/2020 – Breakfast casseroles at 5pm followed by a Service of Comfort & Peace
To Be Determined: Holy Thursday – 4/9/2020 – Living Last Supper @ 7pm
All Good Friday services including Souper Good Friday at the Senior Center are cancelled
Easter Breakfast is Cancelled
Easter Sunday – He is Risen! Celebration of Resurrection. 4/12/2020 @ 10:30am