If you’d like to get involved, there are several needs right now for volunteers. Here’s a list of ways to get involved and make a difference!
- Sunday School Teacher & Helpers Needed for early elementary class. Would you be interested and willing to teach every other Sunday? Would you be will to welcome children into a wonderful curriculum based on living our faith as families through the diversity of the Deep Blue Bible characters? Would you be willing to assist another teacher every other week? Then we need YOU! Please see Pastor Cathi or Diane Westling if you have questions or feel called to step up to this important ministry.
- If you are interested in preparing a meal for about 60 people during Wednesday Night Live, please see Marc Middleton. You can choose the meal, we’ll purchase the ingredients and supply the kitchen, you show up to prep & cook the meal before our 5:45 community dinner.
- Marc is looking for willing volunteers to lead the youth activities class on Wednesday evenings. He has curriculum that can be used or you can share something you are passionate about with the youth. See Marc with any ideas or just to offer to lend a hand. He can use leaders and also helpers.
- Elizabeth could use some web ministry teammates. If you would be interested in posting updates here on this blog and also on our Facebook page and in our Facebook group, please leave a comment here or see Elizabeth Whiting at church. If you have a computer with internet connection and are able to compose an email, Elizabeth can train you to help with the website! If you are interested in learning more about web design and maintenance she is willing to teach you as much or as little as you might like. If we can get a group together to do the updates and maintain the site it would really flourish.
There is also always a need for more door greeters, ushers, nursery attendants on Sundays. If you are interested in getting involved with worship in any of those capacities, leave a comment here with your name and the right people will get in touch with you.