30 Hour Famine is a mission project sponsored by World Vision that raises money for kids that are suffering from hunger and poverty.
For more information about 30-Hour famine, click here!
We had our 30-Hour Famine experience on May 12th and it was a complete success. We had 3 of our youth participate in a condensed version of the famine this year along with 3 different volunteers over a 12-hour span and had a bunch of fun. We were also able to hit our goal of $1,500 this year; this will feed 38 kids for a month.
A big thank you goes to Tom & Diane Hendricks, Elizabeth Whiting, and Sue Hilgris for their volunteer help for this event; without them, we wouldn’t have been able to do this.
Of course, a great big thank you goes out to all who donated supplies and money, prayed about us, and just sent any and all positive thoughts to us during this time. Thank you so very much. You don’t know how much this means to me.
~~~Marc Middleton
~~Youth Director