During April, Pastor Cathi will be preaching a sermon series entitled “The Gifts of Easter”. Starting April 8th and running through May 20th, each Sunday will focus on a different gift given to us by the resurrected Christ.
Other news & calendar items to consider:
Roller Skating has ended for the season. Huge thank you to all of the skaters and their parents. We had so much fun skating with you all winter. We look forward to having you back in the fall.
April is the last month for the Wednesday Night Live.
We are still seeking camp scholarships. Camp is a great experience for our youth. The cost for each camper is $300 and we expect 8 – 10 campers. If everyone added $10 to their offering each week marked “Camp Scholarship”, we’d pay for a camper each week.
The UMW Spring Fellowship will be April 18th at 10am. We are hosting a dynamic speaker, Rene Jeffords who will present “The Hands & Feet of Christ”. Rene has been working to help establish a Joshua’s House in Zimbabwe. She will also update us with news regarding Joshua’s House in Clare, a place offering support for unwed mothers.
There will be a Formation District #6 Conference on April 22nd at 3:00 pm at Lapeer Trinity UMC. At the District #6 Conference, operating budgets, nominations of district leadership and approving the official name of District #6 will all be voted on. Everyone is welcome to attend and vote at this historic formation of the new district! This is part of the re-districting as we are becoming a single, unified Michigan Conference.
Download a Printable April Calendar