Believe it or not – summer’s coming! This year we’ll connect some fun Sundays with active faith ideas to keep us moving forward in faith and fellowship with one another. Look for “Beach Party” Sunday, and “Ice Cream” Sunday. And sign up to be a part of the Amazing Race – Bethany style.
The book of Joshua recounts God’s people entering the promised land after the forty years of wilderness wandering. God told Joshua, “Every place where you set your foot will be given to you.” Let’s claim this land once again for the work of God through the people of Bethany. Over the course of the summer we will have weekly opportunity to “claim the land” in fun and challenging ways. I believe that God will connect us as we laugh, learn, and lean into the mission of God for his church. I’m still working on the details, but I am really excited about this! I hope you will be as well.
From June 8 – 12 I will be attending the Annual Conference for the Michigan Area of the United Methodist Church in Lansing. Every clergy person is required to attend, and each church sends lay delegates as well. Our Lay Leader Jerry Mowl and Youth Director Marc Middleton will be representing Bethany.
On June 12th I am pleased to have Brother 2 Brother coming to Bethany to kick off their Summer Tour. Brother 2 Brother is Matt Packer and Richard Kerry Thompson. You will certainly be blessed by their ministry. We will receive a free will offering that day, so come prepared to support their ministry through music.
As we move through the months ahead, please consider some new areas of service that are developing among us. Our Care Team (member care) is working to identify and visit folks who are in a season of needing visits, cards, and calls to stay connected to the Bethany family. We don’t just care for members, but for all who call Bethany their home church. So the name transition is a minor but important thing. Any who wish to be a part of this group are welcome!
The Vision Team will begin to meet and to pray about God’s calling for us as his people. God wants to work through us, but in order to maximize our potential as carriers of the good news we have to stand at the crossroads and ask where the good way is and then walk in it (Jeremiah 6:16) We’ll begin with prayer, prayer walks, and seek to connect with the people of our neighborhood and follow where God will lead.
Enjoy the changing of the seasons. It reminds us that new life is coming.
Be amazed!
Pastor LuAnn