It’s been an exciting time in the area of Children’s Ministry!
Palm Sunday, the children colored and created donkeys and then gave them to people that they feel bear others and their burdens and are helpers. The children enjoyed seeing the adults who received them proudly wear them on their lapels during worship.

Sunday School lessons continue for all ages on Sunday mornings at 9am.
The Children’s Prayer Packets are ready! Your child can pick up a packet from an usher and put their name on the tag. Each packet includes a prayer journal and colored pencils that they can use to keep their hands busy while “praying in color”. Below are some examples of prayer journal entries made by some of my Sunday school students. The journals can also be used to write down something heard during worship service that they didn’t understand. Then they can ask a parent, grandparents, Pastor, or a Sunday school teacher about it later. It’s also a way for them to express their prayers when they can’t find the words to say. The packets should be returned to the storage box in the narthex before they leave so that it can be used the next week. My prayer is that these will help our little ones feel welcomed and connected during our worship services.
“But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.'” ~Matthew 19:14