You can download a pdf of the newsletter here. A full calendar is included in the tower notes and the online calendar is up to date.
Our next sermon series will be covering Luke! The Gospel of Amazement. Pastor LuAnn and Pat will be on vacation from April 1st thru April 10th. The first 2 installments into this study in Luke will be from guest preachers.
April 3rd – Jerry Mowl, the lay leader at Bethany will preach on Luke 4
April 10th — We welcome guest preacher Rev. Paul Perez who will preach on Luke 5. Rev Paul Perez is the Conference Director for Mission and Justice Engagement and Leadership Recruitment. He has been integral in assisting the Crossroads District with connecting through UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) for support in Flint’s water crisis.
Pastor LuAnn will continue to preach through the Gospel of Luke through June 5th. Invite a friend and come to worship!
Check out the new Praise Music page. There is a playlist of songs that will be featured during the coming weeks available.