Join together to study scripture throughout the month. If you need help using the links, check out our tips for using the online Bible.
Scripture Study for April
1st Luke 3:1-14
2nd Luke 3:15-38
3rd Luke 4:1-13
4th Luke 4:14-30
5th Luke 4:31-44
6th Luke 5:1-11
7th Luke 5:12-16
8th Luke 5:17-26
9th Luke 5:27-32
10th Luke 5:33-39
11th John 2:1-12
12th Luke 6:1-11
13th Luke 6:12-19
14th Luke 6:20-26
15th Luke 6:27-38
16th Luke 6:39-49
17th Matthew 5:1-12
18th Matthew 5:13-20
19th Matthew 5:43-6:6
20th Matthew 7:7-20
21st Luke 7:1-10
22nd Luke 7:11-17
23rd Luke 7:18-35
24th Luke 7: 36-50
25th Matthew 8:5-13
26th Matthew 8:18-27
27th Matthew 9:9-17
28th Matthew 9:27-38
29th Mark 3: 1-12
30th Luke 8:1-15