WHINE AND DINE November 10th
At the Oct. whine and dine, 10 ladies were freed and fed at the Liberty on Pierson Rd. We had lots of conversation and good food. On Nov. 10th we will be filled with HOPE, as we head to Junction of Hope for lunch. You can meet at the church to car pool at 12: 30, or just meet us there at 1:00. If you know a widow that would like company for lunch, bring her along.
Do you know about Junction of Hope?
This is a restaurant in Chesaning. The Junction of Hope is America’s first nonprofit 501(c)3 restaurant. Their mission is to employ adults with special needs in Saginaw, Shiawassee and Genesee Counties. It’s a really neat place and you will surely enjoy the day.
See a video about this mission below.