Highlights at Bethany UMC this week – Come & See!
Moving the Library to the fireplace room – Ongoing
Grounds cleanup – Ongoing
Are you feeling led to help in our Youth Ministry? We are seeking a youth coordinator and/or more adult helpers for our Wednesday afternoon and evening activities. CORE starts at 2:45pm and we could use more volunteers to assist with this program geared towards middle and high school students. Then, at 5pm, Wednesday Night Live starts. There are classes and activities here for all ages (including adults) as well as a community dinner. We can use volunteers for leading classes and also for preparing the meal. Do you have a special talent or gift to share with our youth and the community? In what ways can you be the hands and feet of Christ in this community? What an amazing opportunity to help shape and mold our young people and help them grow in community with others as well as in their relationship with God. Be creative! Use your particular gifts to bless our community of believers and pass along knowledge and skills to the kids in our midst. You don’t even have to commit to every week, perhaps your schedule would only allow you to participate once a month or biweekly. We are open to ideas to bring vitality into our youth programs. Talk with God and see where you can find your fit.