Rachel Deshone is the choir director at Bethany United Methodist Church. You will find her leading the choir and the congregation in song during worship. She also participates with other churches in the district in Easter & Christmas cantatas with many of the members of the choir. Rachel invites you to come to choir practice and praise and worship through song.
Ross Dolittle is a talented musician in our church. He is often playing the clavinova during services and accompanying the choir. Ross also directs the Bethany Band. If you play an instrument and want to join the Bethany Band, see Ross. In addition, Ross has taken over as the director of the Bethany Hand Bell Choir.
If you want to get involved in our music department in any capacity, see either Ross or Rachel!
Bethany UMC is also served by 2 other pianists who you will see in worship from time to time. Mavis Miller and Dana Usealman. Both can be found behind the grand piano on various Sundays. We are also grateful to Dave Bower for his skill in playing the organ in our sanctuary from time to time.